Moths the nocturnal magicians.  They pollinate plants and support many farmers across the world, similarly to the bees.  

Moths have always had this really cool way of showing themselves to me over the years.  These amazing spirit animals have so many messages.  In transformation, trusting in change, freedom is here, moon energy, inner wisdom and shadow work.  The moth as it rises to the light reminds us to embrace the journey and remember to dance.

When the moth spirit animal comes into our space we are asked to look outside the box of day to day life and see what we may be missing or need to work on. They are also a reminder to trust the journey and enjoy every moment along the way.

Do you relate to animal spiritual meaning?  Do you have any stories that stand out? I’d love to hear about them!

For me connecting to the moth in a new beginning and the gratitude for the beauty and flow of the moment. I wrote this poem a few years ago that came as a message from a moth.  I hope you enjoy!


It is time 

we come in 

and hold 


for we are the right 

path for tomorrow 

when the night 


our light 

will ignite 

the divine 


is all that will hold 


in the hearts 

of all that think 

fear is here.  

Mark my words 

for this truth 

is our souls 

deepest desires 


not molded 

and now 

just told 

to hold 

the light 

For there is no other duty 

but to smile pretty…

It’s simple really.